Exciting News: launching.today is live

🌟 Exciting News: launching.today is live! 🌟

Two weeks ago, I made a decision that filled me with excitement and purpose—I decided to pick up the glove and build an alternative to Product Hunt!

Why? Because PH monopoly caused them to forget what made them successful in the first place.

Indies became a lower priority for them, and we feel it.

We feel it when we pour our hearts into products that are flagged as “boring” and not being featured.

We feel it when we reach out to support and receive a response HOURS later telling us to suck it up.

So enough is enough.

Will LaunchingToday solve all these problems? No. Not in the near future.

But if Indies will have enough alternatives out there — we can make a change.

Now it’s your turn—visit, check out the products, and leave an upvote and a comment.


Yossi ❤️